C o n n e c t e d T o W a t e r

Steve Nesius

Terra Ceia Island, Florida, United States

Sorrow & Happiness

Today began like most other days in quarantine. Washed my hands and face. Stepped outside to look toward the eastern sky.  No sunrise pics this morning, too overcast. I stood momentarily watching the wind blowing in the palms, the air heavy with humidity, before stepping back inside the air-conditioned comfort of our stay-at-home shelter.

 I reheated a cup of yesterday’s coffee. Sat in front of the iMac and browsed the morning headlines. Opened FaceBook and soon read a post that New York Post photographer Anthony Causi died yesterday. Anthony, a photojournalism colleague, was one of 6,000 global victims of Covid-19 whose life ended on Easter Sunday. 



As I rode my bike to the post office later in the morning, I thought about how relatively safe we feel on Terra Ceia Island. The streets of many neighborhoods, shown in photos from around the world, apear empty, while we’re able to be outside and enjoy many of the things as we have in weeks past, but keeping a safe distance from each other.

 When I picked up the mail, there was a wedding invitation from our friend Molly and her fiancée, Andrew. “Save the Date. 4.3.21.” A possitive message from a happy couple, planning for the future, helped keep me optimistic for the days ahaed. In the invitation, Molly says, “Our great hope for the future is each other.” 



Anthony’s death is a personal reminder to forever appreciate each day and everyone we love.

Molly’s wedding invite is a personal reminder to forever appreciate the future we all want to share.